Hole Sponsorship
Premium Hole Sponsor
Advertisement on specialty holes
Only one sponsor per hole $200 |
Basic Hole Sponsor
Advertisement on Non-specialty holes
Numerous Sponsors per hole $75 |
Prize Sponsor
So you have a service, item or offer to donate to our golf outing? Call Craig today (715) 853-4101
If you have any questions, call Craig at (715) 853-4101 or email [email protected]
Drop off your donations at:
Shawano County Sheriff's Office - Attention Craig Rekoske 405 N Main St Shawano, WI 54166 |
Please mail your donations to:
SOS K9 Inc PO Box 374 Bonduel, WI 54107 |
Golf Outing Perimum Hole Sponsorship
No need to mail in your paperwork, donate directly to the golf outing in the amount of a premium hole sponsor.
Golf Outing Basic Hole Sponsor
With a few clicks you can donate to the SOS K9 Golf Outing as a basic hole sponsor.